"As I became aware of the vastness of infinite life and possibilities existing beyond me the more unimportant and insignificant the small chapter of my life became; until I was finally able to break free from the walls of the repetitive story of “me” and “why me?” that I had created. That very day a lifetime of depression simply ended, and has never come back."
Ingrid Honkala, Ph.D.
This autobiography reveals how after having a near death experience at the age of two, the first glimpses of heaven were revealed to me and the doors that allow me to communicate with Beings of Light were opened. Since then a myriad of experiences that many could call as mystical and perhaps impossible have crossed my path. However the Beings of Light have made it clear to me that I am not here to convince anyone about anything but to be a giver of light.
To accomplish this purpose I have been guided through an amazing journey of unimaginable challenges, awakenings and miracles where along the way I became the vehicle to help others to rise up from some of the deepest states of hopelessness and bring them back to life. Through helping others I was also able to become aware of my own shadows and overcome them as well. For all of this I am forever grateful. So I want to continue awakening, growing and giving anything I can to anyone that is open to listen.

Esta autobiografía revela cómo después de haber tenido una experiencia cercana a la muerte a los dos años de edad, los primeros vistazos del cielo divino me fueron revelados y las puertas que me permitieron comunicarme con Seres de Luz fueron abiertas. Desde entonces una miríada de experiencias que muchos podrían llamar místicas y quizás imposibles han cruzado mi camino. Mas sin embargo, los Seres de Luz me han hecho claro, que yo no estoy aquí para convencer a nadie acerca de nada, sino para ser una dadora de Luz.
Para lograr este propósito he sido guiada a través de un increíble viaje lleno de los retos mas inimaginables,
despertares de la consciencia y milagros, en donde durante el camino me convertí en un vehículo para ayudar a otros a recobrarse de los estados mas profundos de desesperanza,
pudiéndolos traer de nuevo a la vida. A través de ayudar a otros pude también descubrir y sobreponerme a mis propias sombras. Por todo esto, estoy eternamente agradecida. Por lo tanto, quiero continuar despertando, creciendo y dando todo lo que pueda a quienes estén dispuestos y abiertos a escuchar.
"A medida que me hacia mas consciente de la vastedad infinita de la vida y las posibilidades que existían mas alla de mi misma, menos importancia y significado tenia el capitulo de mi propia vida; hasta que finalmente logré liberarme del encierro de la repetitiva historia que había creado de "yo" y "porque yo". Ese mismo día la depresión que había cargado durante toda la vida simplemente termino para nunca más volver".
Ingrid Honkala, Ph.D.
Enjoy and learn from many of the teachings
I have received from Beings of Light!
"From the time I was a little girl I always felt as if I was an observer. In young adulthood I was able to ask, “What is that that I am observing?” “All of life,” the Beings of Light answered, then after a pause they added, “through your personal experience.”
This helped me understand the unique importance of my existence. I know that although we are one with the Whole, each of us is a unique emanation of the One, or God, or Whole. This is why the Beings of Light always referred to each one of us as special.
Nothing in the universe lacks purpose. Every one of us is special because of the unique way in which we experience and perceive life. We are part of the universal flow of infinite creation always reinventing itself, manifesting, and eternally expanding."
Ingrid Honkala, PhD.
This is what our beautiful readers have to say

After being chosen to be among the first to read from the pages of this amazing book, I felt so thankful and incredibly blessed. An overflow of emotions were set loose inside me, I too began to resolve the question, "Why me?" for I was in the presence of greatness.
Donnell Lewis
Every single advice that I had received from Dr. Ingrid Honkala has been a blessing in my life. Her life experiences have been my guidance and now she has the opportunity to share them with others through this amazing book. I hope this book awaken others as it has done for me. Thanks to this book and her teachings I have learned to see the light behind every hardship and live a life of pure Joy!
Lily Torija
Brightly Guided Life is a must read for anyone interested in the mysteries of life after death. It's a remarkable story recounting the existence of divine souls and how they can connect with and comfort beings on earth. It delivers a great sense of mindfulness and reinforces the idea that we are spiritual beings living temporary human lives. This book will bring you closer to your inner self, open your mind, and reassure you that there is something very tangible beyond this human life.
Holly Garvin
I love Dr. Honkaka's book. It has made clear to me that the script is already written and all we need to do is to stop trying to control every aspect of our lives and simply relax. I already walk with love and peace in my heart, now I will start to let go of fear, because I now know that everything is going to be alright!
Mary Marlow
I just finished your book "A Brightly Guided Life". I loved it. Thanks for sharing your life with us and your spiritual insights. God's love and light emanates from you. Though we all have different spiritual paths you bring out so many universal truths bringing to mind many scriptures that have guided and lifted me up. What a beautiful and powerful story. God continue to bless and guide you, David and Michael!.
Dear Ingrid, I received the gift of your book, while it was free on Amazon a few days ago and read it all within two days. I am speechless with gratitude. Every detail of your life has been different from mine, but the inner struggle has been exactly the same. I felt as though my own guides were speaking directly to me, through you. Ala K'in.
Dear Dr. Honkala, I just read your book. I loved it. Not only did you tell us about both your amazing experiences with the Divine/Beings of Light, but you have taught us so much about faith, persistence, self-love, forgiveness, etc. Thank you for sharing your story and the obstacles that you overcame.
Sona Gore Bhatnagar
The book teaches us that "enlightenment" (or any other name we want to give it) is not necessarily a one-way process. There are stepbacks, pauses, doubts. And then, all of the sudden, we are back on our journey. I loved it. Thanks Ingrid.
What a great book by a beautiful soul! Ingrid shares her life's journey starting with an NDE at a very young age to her becoming a mother, wife and teacher. Her honesty and humility along with her life changing lessons sets this book apart from other NDE books that I've read. Ingrid's journey didn't stop with her NDE, it propelled her to seek understanding the best she could at the time through many different traditions and techniques. Ultimately in the end, she discovers as most enlightened souls do, is that we are all Love and only Love is real.
I highly recommend this book!.
Tony Lanham
A Brightly Guided Life is a diamond in the rough of books available on the trans-personal, mystical, out of body, or near death experience. Dr. Honkala intimately and tenderly shares her NDE by bringing her readers deep into the event itself before transporting them into the visceral struggles, strife, triumph and victory that peppered her life there-after. Her first NDE is described in detail with supple, yet solid sincerity. Her account could rattle the reality of the most staunch non-believer. The NDE acts as catalyst for the unfolding of recognizable phases of human development. Readers experience the world through the eyes of a young girl, teen, and woman who had discovered her ability for extraordinary perception, long before having the capacity to integrate it into her day-to-day life. ​
Caitlin Woodstock
Yes Brilliance, is how I define you. You have captivated and awaken my spiritual senses from one page to the next and I truly thank you from the bottom of the core of my heart.
Donnell Lewis