Are you Ready To Live Your Best Life?
Four Weeks Online Course From April 23rd to May 14th
Awaken Your Consciousness in Four Weeks!
This intensive Four-Week Online Course with Ingrid Honkala, PhD, has been carefully designed to teach you the grandiosity of knowing yourself and how to get there!
She will bring you to experience the greatness of mindfulness and meditation as doors to awareness, with very simple but powerful practices, and will give you the tools you need to invite happiness and joy into your life and the world.
Awaken Your Consciousness in Four Weeks!
With Ingrid Honkala PhD
Four Weeks Online Course From April 23rd to May 14th
Are you Ready To Live Your Best Life?
This intensive Four-Week Online Course with Ingrid Honkala, PhD, has been carefully designed to teach you the grandiosity of knowing yourself and how to get there!
She will bring you to experience the greatness of mindfulness and meditation as doors to awareness, with very simple but powerful practices, where you will discover for yourself how to become the master of your mind.
By teaching you the four foundations of mindfulness: body, breath, emotions, and thoughts, Ingrid will guide you to have a more balanced, healthier and joyful life.
She will also bring to your clarity the true meaning of forgiveness and the benefits of forgiving and letting go. She will teach you how to forgive and will give you the tools you need to invite happiness and joy into your life and the world.
Reconnect With Your Inner-Wisdom And Regain Your Inner-Power. So You Can Live Your Best Life!
During This Four Week Online Course You Will Learn
& Experience:
Saturday April 23, 2022 - 8am PT/ 10 am CT/ 11 am ET
Awareness, Mindfulness And Meditation
Who you are and how to become aware of what you are.
What does it mean to be an aware being?
Learn how you can know yourself, and why it is important to know who you truly are.
Discover the true meaning of free will and how to use it correctly.
Find out how you can use your challenges to fuel your awareness.
Understand what is meditation and mindfulness; learn the misunderstandings regarding these practices.
Experience easy meditation and mindfulness practices.
Learn the extraordinary gifts of practicing meditation and mindfulness.
Saturday April 30, 2022 - 8am PT/ 10 am CT/ 11 am ET
Mindfulness of Emotions
Are your emotions controlling your life?
Are feelings and emotions born or made? Why are they needed?
Learn what emotions truly are and why do they matter.
Understand what it means when you are spiritually or emotionally bypassing and how to become aware of it.
Discover how you can observe and master your emotions and use them to grow and evolve.
Explore how to do inner child work and work with trauma.
Experience the use of powerful tools and meditation practices to master your emotions and release trauma.
Saturday May 7, 2022 - 8am PT/ 10 am CT/ 11 am ET
The Power of Forgiveness
Are you consumed by resentment, anger, and blame towards others?
Are you lost in sadness, shame and blame towards yourself?
Learn and reframe the true meaning of forgiveness.
Discover the power of forgiveness and letting go.
Gain clarity about who is forgiveness for, and who you are healing when you forgive.
Reflect about blame and how to awaken from the trance of blame.
Discover the misunderstandings about forgiveness.
Explore the three stages of forgiveness and experience powerful tools and practices to work with forgiveness and letting go.
Saturday May 14, 2022 - 8am PT/ 10 am CT/ 11 am ET
Realize the importance of joy as a practice in a world of suffering.
Understand what means to be happy and discover how to awaken joy.
Learn how to move from a contracted heart to an expanded heart filled with joy.
Discover how you can learn to cultivate and be very present for wholesome states that arise.
Gain clarity about the vulnerability of happiness and joy when trauma is present, and learn about the window of tolerance and how to feel safe in a world that feels unsafe.
Explore meditation and mindfulness practices that guide you to experience sympathetic joy in the happiness of others.