Ingrid Honkala, PhDJOURNEY OF THE SOUL: From Mysticism to Divine Connection | Be The LIGHT With Ingrid & CarlosIf you missed the LAST EPISODE you can watch it here>> 💜 Thanks with all my HEART for all your LOVE and SUPPORT! LIVE SHOW - Be the...
Ingrid Honkala, PhDIs AFTER DEATH Communication real? |Be the LIGHT with Ingrid & CarlosIf you missed the LAST EPISODE you can watch it here: LIVE SHOW - Be the LIGHT with Ingrid and Carlos Our last conversation was: IS AFTER...
Ingrid Honkala, PhDEn sintonía con tu ser: descubriendo técnicas innovadoras de Meditación con la Dra. Ingrid HonkalaEn el reciente episodio de nuestro podcast, tuvimos el placer de contar nuevamente con una convidada sumamente especial, la Dra. Ingrid...
Ingrid Honkala, PhDSpiritually Inspired With Claudio MurganDuring this insightful conversation with Claudiu Murgan, Ingrid shared her path as a scientist and as a spiritual teacher. She talked...
Ingrid Honkala, PhDTalking at Cutting-Edge Consciousness GroupIngrid was invited by Diane L. Ross to share cutting-edge consciousness at the Winter Park Public Library near Orlando, FL, with...
Ingrid Honkala, PhDHelping Parents Heal - Hosted by Brian SmithIn this online meeting Ingrid shared how during her NDE, she saw her mom who was about 10 min away from the place where she was drowning,...