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Can Our Beloved PETS Reach us from BEYOND | Be The LIGHT With Ingrid & Carlos
If you missed the LAST EPISODE you can watch it here>> 💜 Thanks with all my HEART for all your LOVE and SUPPORT! LIVE SHOW - Be the...
Is AFTER DEATH Communication real? |Be the LIGHT with Ingrid & Carlos
If you missed the LAST EPISODE you can watch it here: LIVE SHOW - Be the LIGHT with Ingrid and Carlos Our last conversation was: IS AFTER...
Helping Parents Heal Conference 2022
Ingrid was invited by Elizabeth Boisson, President and Co-Founder of Helping Parents Heal, to share her journey with the Light during the...
Speaking in Salt Lake City IANDS Group
This was a LIVE online event. On November 27th, Ingrid shared with the Salt Lake City IANDS Chapter her path of spiritual awakening,...
Inspiring End-Of Life Conversations With Nina Impala
In this conversation with Nina Impala from Voice of America Talk Radio, Ingrid shared about death, dying and grieving. They discussed...
Death Tracks With Bodhi B.
Susan Ward, Lisa Jones and Ingrid Honkala were interviewed by Bodhi B on Death Tracks - KAKU 88.5 The Voice of Maui. They talked about...
"The Aftereffects of My Childhood NDE" in IANDS Monthly Magazine
The International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS) featured Ingrid's article: "The Aftereffects of My Childhood NDE," in their...
Sharing Science & Spirituality at The Wholeness Network
​ In this event, Ingrid shared the path of awakening that brought her to discover the True Nature of who we are. She also was part of...
Presenting at The 2019 Afterlife Awareness Conference
People from all different fields gathered to talk about experiences that uniquely shaped the course of their lives. At The Afterlife...
The Beings of Light - NDE Radio with Lee Witting
During this interview with Lee Witting for the IANDS (International Association for Near-Death Studies) NDE Radio, Ingrid...
Facing and Overcoming Fear
Today's video and newsletter teach us how the antidote to fear is within us, all we have to do is to stop, breathe, question our thought
FromIngrid, Words inspired by the light
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