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Can Our Beloved PETS Reach us from BEYOND | Be The LIGHT With Ingrid & Carlos
If you missed the LAST EPISODE you can watch it here>> 💜 Thanks with all my HEART for all your LOVE and SUPPORT! LIVE SHOW - Be the...

Northern Virginia IANDS: The NDE of Ingrid Honkala
“As I grew up and remembered my drowning, I could never get away from the question, ‘How could I have seen my body lifeless if I was...

The Personality Code Masterclass Series​
Ingrid was invited by Andrew Colombini to be a feature speaker at The Personality Code Masterclass Series. Join her and an extraordinary...

Conscious Business Zone - Kathy Mason
In this interview with Kathy Mason from Conscious Business Zone, Ingrid will share how her 3 near-death experiences and her amazing...

Interspecies Evolution With Ginny Jablonski
Please join me as I talk with my friend Ingrid Honkala, PhD. Ingrid is an Author, Scientist and Change Maker whose Soul Purpose is ...

Israel IANDS Group
Ingrid was invited by Hila Baruch to present to her NDE group in Israel, her incredible journey that started with her near-death...

Spiritual Awakenings International
Dr. Yvonne Carson President of Spiritual Awakenings International invited Ingrid Honkala, PhD to present a live talk entitled: "Divine...

Earth To The Other Side
In this interview with with John A. Glasspoole from Earth To The Other Side, Ingrid shared her journey of awakening that stated when she...

Dr. Lotte: Science with Soul
These two interviews with Dr. Lotte were absolutely amazing. Her questions brought Ingrid to share knowledge and experiences with the...

"What the Beings of Light Can Tell Us: An Experiential Workshop."
Ingrid was invited by The Theosophical Society in America to do a workshop, where she shared powerful teachings and tools to help you...

Conscious Business Zone With Kathy Mason
In this interview with Kathy Mason from Conscious Business Zone, Ingrid shared how her near-death experience and her amazing connection...

Inner Peace with Dr. Rees‪e
How a Scientist Learned to Hear Her Inner Wisdom w/ Dr. Ingrid Honkala In episode # 99, Dr. Reese talks with Dr. Ingrid Honkala who at...

Divine Guidance on the Power of Connection. The Theosophical Society in America
The Theosophical Society in America invited Dr. Honkala to give a lecture on the subject of Divine Guidance on the Power of Connection....

What You Didn't Know... With Stephanie Aceglav - Australia
A Brightly Guided Life - Near Death Experience with Ingrid Honkala. In this conversation with Stephanie Aceglav from Australia, Ingrid...

Escape From the Burnout Society with Gabriela Guzman
Ingrid was invited by Gabriela Guzman to share the incredible journey that opened for her the path of self-awareness and love, starting...

San Diego, CA IANDS Group
NDEr, world traveler, Scientist and childhood experiencer Ingrid Honkala will share how her inner experiences turned into outer...

IANDS Visiting Authors Book Club Online
Ingrid was invited by Nancy van Alphen to be part of the IANDS Visiting Authors Book Club Online Series. During this gathering Ingrid...

Los Angeles, CA IANDS Group
At the age of nearly 3 in her native Bogota, Colombia, Ingrid Honkala drowned in a tank of cold water. From that time, she was aware of...

2020, Whether a Nightmare or a Blessing, The Way is to Raise The Vibration!
Ingrid has been invited by Lety Martinez to present in this incredible FREE Interview Series, where ​experts, teachers, mentors,...

The Inner Sanctum With Dr. Eben Alexander & Karen Newell
An uplifting conversation with Ingrid Honkala, Ph.D., who had a near-death experience at age two. Thus began her connection with "Beings...
FromIngrid, Words inspired by the light

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